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September 29 - October 1, 2006, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria – three-day conference on "Challenges of Delivering Health in the Enlarged Europe – Experience and Perspectives from Member States and Accession Countries" was held. The conference is financed by the European Commission and organised by the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). A number of significant for the Bulgarian healthcare topics were discussed.
A working panel "Pharmaceutical Policy and Legislation" was held in the event frame. The panel was organised and carried out with the active cooperation of the Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria (ARPharM) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). Mr. James Copping, EC, Dr. Svetlana Spasova, Director "National Health Policy", MoH, Mr. Brendan Barnes, EFPIA and Deyan Denev, ARPharM, presented their perspectives on the pharmaceutical policy and legislation. Representatives of NHIF, professional organisations and pharmaceutical companies took part in the panel.Representatives of the EC, Bulgarian authorities and the pharmaceutical industry adopted the idea that constructive and based on a good-will discussion with the participation of all the parties concerned, is needed as to guarantee the building of common health and pharmaceutical policy, which to find the crossing point between providing the Bulgarian patients access to up-to-date and effective medicine treatment; the opportunity pharmaceutical industry to work in a predictable market environment and receive reward for innovation, as to continue the research of new medicines; and the necessity health authorities to control and spend effectively the public funds intended for medicinal products.